Safeguarding Policy
Doctoral College is committed to:
valuing, respecting and listening to children and vulnerable adults.
ensuring all necessary checks are made when recruiting staff.
maintaining robust safeguarding systems and procedures for staff.
training our staff and providing a common understanding of safeguarding issues to inform planning and practice.
sharing information about child protection and good practice with children and parents/carers.
sharing safeguarding concerns with agencies who need to know, involving parents and children appropriately, whilst handling sensitive information with respect and maintaining confidentiality.
providing effective management for staff through clear processes, supervision, and support.
We will provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement this policy and will ensure it is communicated and understood.
Doctoral College will review this policy statement annually to reflect new legal and regulatory developments and ensure good practice.
Named Contact for Child Safeguarding Issues
The Dean is the designated member of staff who has been identified, who has specific responsibility for issues relating to safeguarding children. Any concerns relating to safeguarding students must be referred to the Dean.
The Dean follows the Policy, Codes of Conduct, Procedures outlined below:
Policy – what we believe, our commitment
Codes of Conduct/Practice – how we behave, these set out what is expected from each person in their work with students under 18, at any events. Our codes of conduct and practice documents are supported by comprehensive job information.
Procedures – what we do in the event of situations that may happen.
Copies of all of these documents are available to parents/guardians, staff, students, organisations and institutions we work with. These documents are all reviewed regularly, to ensure they are effective, fully implemented and up-to-date.