Research Fellow
Research Fellow status recognises researchers with exceptional research skills and commitment to research professional practice and professional development. DCUK also offer associate fellow status for those studying for a doctorate.
Become a Research Fellow
Becoming a Research Fellow (RF-DCUK) is recognition that you’re a professional researcher working in a senior role with significant autonomy and responsibility. It is the highest level of membership and demonstrates your wealth of experience, commitment and contribution to research.
Grades of Research Fellow?
Associate Research Fellow
Associate Fellowship is awarded to recognise an individual’s effectiveness of practice in research and/or support of research. This category is primarily for those without a formal academic association with the Doctoral College UK and it exists to further the college’s aim of providing parity of esteem to research and practice. It is also the category for those that aspire to be a Research Fellow (Post Doctoral Researcher) and wish to focus in on the career developments needed to move through post graduate taught education to post graduate research development into becoming a Post Doctoral Researcher.
An Associate Research Fellow (ARF-DCUK) provides international recognition of your successful efforts to enhance your research experience. It entitles you to use post-nominal letters ARF-DCUK that denote your membership of a research led academic community within Higher Education ……………. Read More
Research Fellow
A Research Fellow is a postdoctoral researcher, or simply postdoc, is a person professionally conducting research after the completion of their doctoral studies. A research fellow is a title and form of address for distinguished, learned, or skilled individuals in academia, research, and industry. The exact meaning of the term refers to a privileged member who is specially elected in recognition of their work and achievements. Within Doctoral College UK a research fellow is a member of a highly ranked group of researchers at Doctoral College UK. It can also be a specially selected postgraduate student who has been appointed to a post (called a fellowship) granting a stipend, research facilities and other privileges for a fixed period (usually one year or more) in order to undertake some advanced study or research, often in return for teaching services.
A Research Fellow at Doctoral College UK can continue their studies or carry out research and further increase expertise in a specialist subject, including integrating a team and acquiring novel skills and research methods. Postdoctoral research is often considered essential while advancing the scholarly mission of the host institution; it is expected to produce relevant publications in peer-reviewed academic journals or conferences. At Doctoral College UK postdoctoral research does lead to the opportunity for further formal qualifications and certification.
A Research Fellowship (RF-DCUK) provides international recognition of your successful efforts to enhance your research experience. It entitles you to use post-nominal letters RF-DCUK that denote your membership of a research led academic community within Higher Education.
Becoming a Research Fellow is the target career status for all ambitious and determined post doctoral researchers …. Read More
Senior Research Fellow
A Senior Research Fellow is awarded to professionals who demonstrate they meet the criteria of the defined Professional Standards of Doctoral College UK for research and supporting research in higher education. It is suitable for individuals whose comprehensive understanding and effective practice provides a basis from which they lead or influence research and research practices of others (peers, colleagues, mentees, etc.) who research and/or support high-quality research activities.
To be awarded Senior Research Fellow status, individuals must evidence that their effective and inclusive practice meets the following three Descriptor 3 criteria statements:
A sustained record of leading or influencing the practice of those who research and/or support high quality research activities.
Practice that is purposeful, focused, effective and inclusive.
Practice that extends significantly beyond direct research and/or direct support for research activities.
A Senior Research Fellow is a good mentor who listens, but also gives their own opinion. They do not dictate, but rather advise. They are available as a Mentor to Associate Research Fellows and Research Fellows who are their the mentee’s for support and as a resource. to provides guidance, advice, as well as sharing expertise and experience.
A Senior Research Fellowship (SRF-DCUK) provides international recognition of your successful efforts to enhance your research experience. It entitles you to use post-nominal letters SRF-DCUK that denote your membership of a research led academic community within Higher Education ………………………….. Read More
Why become a Research Fellow?
Gain international recognition for your experience and knowledge.
Increase your exposure to new career opportunities.
Raise the profile of research and encourage young researchers.
Provide thought leadership.
Improve your long term earning potential through recognition of your experience and competence.
Build new relationships
Connect with members of Doctoral College UK worldwide.
Build profitable working relationships with other specialists in your field.
Help influence and support younger members.
Volunteer to help us via your region, industry or through particular activities.
Access our resources
Read member-only specialist research news, features and expert comment by Professional Researchers.
Receive email updates from your region or industry or interest group.
Access to a world-class research library.
Who is it for?
Typically, Fellows are professional researchers working in a senior role with significant autonomy and responsibility and will be able to demonstrate the following qualities:
A position of senior responsibility and/or significant autonomy in your particular field.
Demonstrable leadership qualities.
Influencing policy and strategy making decisions in either a technical or business environment.
A structured approach to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that explains both how you have developed your CPD in your career to date and how you plan your future CPD.
The promotion of the research profession to young researchers and potential researchers.
Highly specialist knowledge in a specific area of research.
Research or technical resource management and/or personnel management and development.
Responsibility for a budget and the associated risk.
Application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts.
Active development and application of new technologies in research and related areas at senior level.
How to apply
You can apply for the recognised grade of Research Fellow if you are already an Associate Research Fellow of Doctoral College UK. You can also apply directly to the grade of Research Fellow, when you have a Doctorate but you will be required to fill in a detailed application form. NOTE: To become recognised as a Certified Research Fellow, you must first become a Fellow and then pass a Panel interview. We welcome researchers from a very comprehensive base of experience and disciplines.