From Vision to Value: The 2024–2027 Strategic Plan
From Vision to Value: The 2022–2025 Strategic Plan
The core of our strategic focus for 2024–2027 is to build commitment to and engagement with our partners as an essential element of the UK Higher Education experience, both for staff and students. In 2021 we embarked on an intensive partner research project to develop the strategy we created for our 2024 – 2027 Vision. We wanted to ensure we were on the right track to deliver what our partners needs most from us.
This document, From Vision to Value: The 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan, is the outcome of our research, reflection, and refinement. We are proud to share it with you and hope it inspires all our collaborators to engage with us as they plan their own work and activities.
From Vision to Value
In order to build commitment to and engagement with Doctoral College as an essential element of the UK Higher Education experience, we have identified four major strategic themes for the next three years:
Increasing Value to Partners.
Increasing Value to Students.
Increasing Global Participation.
Upholding Trust and Integrity