Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Chief Operating Officer (COO) is based in the UK. Ph: +44 78 6881 2119

Quality & Standards Academic Lead
Quality & Standards Academic Lead and her team is based in the UK are responsible for all Quality control activities in the UK. Ph: +44 78 6881 2119

Research Programmes Academic Lead
The Research Programmes Academic Lead and his team based in the UKPh: +44 78 6881 2119

MBA Programmes Academic Lead
The MBA Programmes Academic Lead and her team are based in the UKPh: +44 78 6881 2119

Accountancy and Finance Academic Lead
The Accountancy and Finance Academic Lead and team based in the UKPh: +44 78 6881 2119

Admin Support
The Admin Support for Doctoral College is based in the UKPh: +44 78 6881 2119